If you are part of a big company with an established website and social media presence, you need to manage your internet reputation actively. Google search engines and social media sites are the primary ways that potential clients and customers will find your business. If your current online assets are not optimized to maximize your reach across the internet, you will most likely be left behind.
Level up your agile and get professional training.
Dignity and respect are part of the package
The most important thing you can do to manage your internet reputation is to treat everyone, customers, and employees with dignity and respect.
This means you must invest time in training your employees in how to provide excellent customer service.
I would suggest making it a priority to review your employee handbook with your staff. Investing time in this will save you headaches and money in the long run.
Being prepared to handle negative posts from customers is also a must. If a customer has a complaint, they may post it on social media sites such as Facebook or review sites such as Yelp. This is your opportunity to resolve the complaint to the customers satisfaction and to defend your brand. If the complaint is legitimate and there is nothing you can do to make it right, the best thing you can do is to simply apologize. Don’t argue or deny the customer’s claim because it could potentially hurt your reputation more than the original complaint.
If you are a small company or are a startup, here’s your plan
Don't worry if your a young company. You can build a reputation, and fast. You just need to follow a few tips and tricks in order to succeed.

Here you go:
- The first step is to create a website that consists of a top-rated portfolio that will give you a positive reputation.
- Secondly, you need to learn to create exciting and informative blogs on relevant topics.
- Thirdly you need to learn how to use search engines to your advantage.
- The fourth step is to build social presence and trust. Create a blog where you incorporate your keywords and use your real name
- Fifth step is to learn how to promote your blogs and get them on the first page of search engines.
- The sixth step is to learn how to create quality backlinks.
- The seventh step is to learn how to use social media and networks to promote your blogs, websites, and content.
- The eighth step is to learn how to deal with negative comments and attacks by rivals.
- The ninth step is to use the internet to build your brand and reputation.
- Finally, make great content to get google Google ranking factors to ensure that your content gets a good SEO ranking.